
this mama is TIRED. because this weekend was GOOD. it felt like three weekends rolled into one. we had lunch with friends, went to a store opening, HIKED THE BATCAVE! (more on that later), took a swim lesson, bought new chairs for the boys at ikea, played at FIVE different parks, and walked around the 'hood. i know i left out a few things, like the awesome jackfruit tacos we had for dinner saturday night, because THAT would be bragging.

as always, come today, monday (bleh!), it felt like the weekend flew by. as it always does. i am already planning next weekend, of course. meanwhile, sharing a few photos from the weekend because i love them!

but first. the playground. we have fallen in love again with pointsettia park. just a few blocks from both the kids' school and our house, pointsettia park is just big enough to keep the boys happy while also small and contained enough not to give me a heart attack watching over them. we also love that we rarely have to wait for the swings. because these two can't get enough. not a single actual pointesttia spotted yet though.

the next day i was told by a friend that i could no longer go on without having tried an acai bowl from backyard bowls. boy was she right. this is the berry bowl. and this is a small? good grief. new addict RIGHT HERE.

and a few hours later... another park... honestly, i cannot recall the name of this one. it was somewhere in burbank. we just needed a place to let max + knox run around before asking them to behave for two hours while we met friends for lunch and a store opening. anyway, here are our feet in the sand. you're welcome.  

just chillin' in burbank.

at the opening of the perky nerd, a comic + coffee shop. i somehow managed to buy just one thing for max, a darth vader doll (?? yea i don't really know). though max has been asking where yoda and chewie are ever since. lol. we will probably be back sooner than later.


the owners let us tag their bathroom! at least that is what myself + five other hooligans presume when you leave a sharpie on the sink.

this dude and his faces. how i love them. most of the time...

also, twinning?


and kisses. the best. i know one day they will think it's ew gross to kiss mama but for now i'll take all i can get!

my one regret from the day may have been these blue blow pops compliments of the comic shop...

but what's boyhood, or parenthood for that matter, without a few lollis in them? thankfully, no shirts were harmed or stained.  

and one last photo of my family of four, the cheeks. kind of a rarity and thanks to my creepy friend sarah who took the photo. her words not mine. thank you sarah! 

have a great week guys! we out!

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